Introduction - Where Siluila is spoken and who speaks it.
Phonology - The sounds of Siluila.
Morphology - The forms of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns.
Syntax - How to form larger units, word order, prepositional phrases, relative clauses, and sentences.
Reference - Some useful lists such as numbers, colors, geographical terms.
Dictionary - Siluila words with English descriptions.
Works in Siluila - None so far.
is spoken by just over half a million people on the island of Iloraino and
its minor outlying isles. Siluila is not spoken anywhere else, and is not
in contact with speakers of any other language, except for the rare Thanyar
trader from the southwest.
The Noleira are generally a shepherding and fishing people, with some cultivation along the coast. Their ancient stories tell of a migration to the islands from across the sea, but disagree as to where they originally came from. They have no knowledge of other lands apart from the ancient tales.
© 2003 J. J. Fatula, III, all rights reserved.